Free Executive Report:

21 Critical Questions Your IT Consultant Should Be Able To Say 'Yes' To

Let’s face it, not all IT consultants are created equal. The question is, which one will give you honest, straightforward and ACCURATE advice and which ones will overcharge you, not deliver on promises and (potentially) make things worse due to gross incompetence? Don’t trust your critical IT operations to just anyone!

Download This Free Report To Learn:


The “dirty little secret” of the computer repair industry that most people don’t know and will never be told by their IT guy (knowing that ALONE could save you from wasting tons of money and untold aggravation when outsourcing your computer support).


21 revealing questions that help you instantly spot an unethical or grossly incompetent computer repair/support technician in minutes.


4 costly misconceptions most business owners have about computer maintenance and repair, one of which you will need to know BEFORE even picking up the phone.


Viruses, worms, spyware and hackers. What you need to know to protect yourself.


5 mistakes to avoid when choosing a computer consultant.


Why “cheap” or “lowest price” computer repair shops aren’t the bargain they initially appear to be.


The one surefire sign that you should run – not walk - away from a computer support firm.


Aurora InfoTech LLC is a trusted Microsoft Partner that specializes in the Orlando area. We are a one-stop-shop for all of your Cybersecurity, IT, Internet, and business telephony needs including data backup, security solutions, help desk, cloud, and mobile solutions, e-mail, Internet, phone, and VoIP solutions, and much, much more!

Click here to learn more about us.

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Resolved Account Hack When Others Failed!!

I came to Aurora InfoTech after I'd been unsuccessful multiple times trying to gain access to my G-Suite. My email account was highjacked after receiving an email from a client whose account was compromised. Up to that point, Google had been of little help, and since my email accounts were disabled and locked down, I was locked out of everything including a good portion of correspondence for my business. This was going on for nearly three weeks having myself, my technician and my web person attempt unsuccessfully to restore my accounts.

Roy Richardson at Aurora InfoTech was able to provide direction and support I needed to fully recover my account. After everything, I was up within a matter of 24 hours.

Dawn R. Jensen President
Virtual Options

A Valued & Trusted Technology Partner

As a consultant, Aurora InfoTech is an extremely reliable business partner and works closely with us on solutions that are in the best interest of the company. I had the pleasure of working with one of their managing partners, Roy Richardson, who was insourced as an interim COO of our company.

His management of the entire Operations Department is commendable as was his understanding of the financial and operational aspects of not only the operations department, but the company in its entirety.

Christina Sprock Chief Commercial Officer
United Telecommunication Services