6 Common Technology Problems Small Business Owners Face

Technology can provide a strategic advantage for companies in every industry when properly utilized. However, one of the biggest issues small business owners face is overcoming some of the common tech obstacles ...

Orlando Businesses: Is Your Password a Hack Waiting to Happen?

Imagine this: you've built a thriving business in Orlando, a digital castle brimming with valuable data. Customers ...

Pirates Aren’t Just Threats On The Open Seas

“Know Ye That We Have Granted And Given License To Adam Robernolt and William le Sauvage…to annoy our enemies by sea or by land, wheresoever they are able, so that they share ...

How $43,000 Got Stolen From A Small Business In The Blink Of An Eye

What you are about to read is a real story showing you how a business can be devastated by cybercriminals in the blink of an eye. Most importantly, I’ll share several ways ...

Trust Is The New Currency – How Wealthy Are You?

Today, most business transactions – whether buying shampoo or tonight’s dinner – are faceless. That’s why in our digital world, trust is the new currency. This shift in consumer behavior, sometimes called ...

Best Practices To ‘Celebrate’ National Change Your Password Day: How Does Your Password Stack Up?

Each year on February 1st, we celebrate Change Your Password Day. While it’s not a holiday that gets you off work, it serves as a good opportunity each year to do a ...

How “Cheaper” IT Providers Sneak In Expensive Hidden Costs

Is your company looking to hire an IT firm? Unfortunately, unless you’re tech-savvy or experienced with IT contracts, there can be hidden costs that you wouldn’t expect or know to look for. ...

New Security Features To Protect Your Phone In 2024

Long gone are the days when phones were simple devices used to make calls. Today our phones are advanced, handheld supercomputers that can do everything from pay a bill to order lunch ...

5 New Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Be Very Prepared For This Year

The year of 2023 marked a significant turning point for cyber-attacks with the introduction and wide proliferation of AI (artificial intelligence), now in the hands of people who wish to do you ...

Show Some Love To Your Business Continuity Plan

Wintertime can feel like a wonderland. There’s hot cocoa, cozy fireside conversations, glistening white snowfall…ice storms, power outages and tons of employee sick days. You can’t predict the future, but a business ...