PC Users Beware Of Downloader For Zoom Created By Hackers

Are you working from home right now? If so, you're certainly not alone. Tens of millions of people are doing the same, and there are untold millions around the world doing likewise. ...

Illegal Movie Downloads Can Give Your Device Malware

If you're like a lot of people stuck at home during the pandemic, you probably ran out of Netflix titles to watch a couple of weeks ago. As a result, researchers have ...

WiFi 6e Should Be A Big Improvement To Crowded Wifi Spaces

If you're like a lot of people, right now, you're doing what work you can from home. If that's the case, you've probably noticed that your home WiFi network is struggling. The ...

Our COVID-19 Crisis Response – We’re Here to Help!

Aurora Infotech has been closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) ...

Weak Passwords are the Root of Cybersecurity evil!

Hey everybody, it’s Roy here from Aurora InfoTech ...

Manufacturing Firms are Hot Targets for Cyber Attackers

Manufacturers today are faced ...

Why Do We Keep Talking About Ransomware?

Ransomware has been ...

Ransomware Attacks Businesses of all Sizes

In case you missed it, the IT systems of ...